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FOR-69: Field Guide to Best Management Practices for Timber Harvesting in Kentucky

BMP No. 1: Access Roads, Skid Trails, and Landings

The purpose of this BMP is to minimize soil erosion and protect nearby water bodies from sediments from the construction, use, maintenance, and retirement of roads, skid trails, and landings.

Equipment Operations and Excessive Rutting

Minimum Requirement:

Do not operate skidders or other logging equipment off hard surfaced roads under conditions that will cause excessive rutting.

Excessive rutting is defined as a point where ruts cannot be resurfaced with available equipment.

Road Grades

Minimum Requirement:

Grades should be kept to a minimum. When possible, access roads should not exceed a grade of 15 percent except for short stretches of 200 feet or less where grades should not exceed 18 percent.

Controlling Erosion and Runoff from Roads

Minimum Requirement:

Install water bars, culverts, or other drainage structures at appropriate intervals.

Crowning and Turnouts


Out-sloping is a drainage technique where the entire width of the road is gently sloped toward the outside or fill-bank side of the road.

In-sloping and Cross Drains

In-sloping is a drainage technique where the entire width of the road is gently sloped toward the inside or uphill side of the road. Surface runoff is diverted into a ditch against the inside cut bank of the road. Cross drain structures are designed to be used with roads that are wholly or partially in-sloped. These are structures that are used to move the water from the in-slope ditch across the road to the undisturbed forest floor.

Table 1-1--Appropriate Distances for Cross Drain Structures
Road Grade (%) Spacing (slope distance in feet)
2-5 300-500
6-10 200-300
11-15 100-200
16-18 100
Note: Deviations from these recommendations may be appropriate depending on the nature of the road surface material and its tendency to erode.

Reverse Grade Structures

Reverse grade structures are constructed using a hump and dip across the road to stop the downhill movement of water and move the water off the road into the undisturbed forest. Figure 1-1 shows a basic design for a reverse grade structure. The hump is pushed up above the surface of the road from material out of the dip which is dug below the normal road surface. Recommended specifications for different applications on roads are presented in Figures 1-1 and 1-2

Reverse Grade Structures for Gentle Grades

Use: For roads where heavy equipment is used on moderate grades (less than 10 percent).
Specifications: Figure 1-2 provides general specifications. Armoring, with crushed rock, can help maintain the structure.
Spacing: Table 1-1.
Maintenance: Frequent inspection and repair of humps and dips which may need restructuring. Check for erosion at the outlet. If needed, use rocks, logs, or cutoffs to slow water at outlet.

Reverse Grade Structures for Steep Roads

Use: For roads with grades 10 to 18 percent.
Specifications: Figure 1-3 provides general dimension recommendations. Armoring can help maintain structure.
Spacing: Table 1-1.
Maintenance: Frequent inspection and repair of humps and dips which may need restructuring. Check for erosion at the outlet. If needed, use rocks, logs, or cutoffs to slow water at outlet.

Closed Culverts

Use: For use on in-sloped roads, especially where frequently running springs and seeps are found.
Type of Pipes: Single-walled corrugated plastic, double-walled smooth plastic, or corrugated metal.
Specifications: Figure 1-4 shows top and side specifications. Figure 1-5 shows specifications for burying pipe.
Pipe Diameter: Minimum of 12 inches (corrugated metal) or equivalent size double-walled plastic.
Spacing: Table 1-1.
Maintenance: Removal of materials from the inlet of closed culverts is often necessary. Check mid-sections for blockage and outlets for the development of erosion. Rocks or other materials can be used to dissipate water flowing from culverts.

Open-topped Culverts

Use: Draining surface waters and frequently running springs and seeps on well-compacted or settled roads. This type of culvert can fill quickly when used on newly disturbed access roads.
Specifications: Pole culverts (Figure 1-5) and box culverts (Figure 1-6).
Spacing: Table 1-1 or at seeps and springs, as appropriate.
Maintenance: Box culverts can also be damaged by dozer cleats. All open-topped culverts must be cleaned frequently.

Stream and Channel Crossings

Proper crossing of streams and channels is important for avoiding water quality problems. Streams and drainage channels include:

Minimum Requirement:

Use or install bridges or culverts to cross streams (perennial or intermittent) or ephemeral channels, where feasible. Cross streams or ephemeral channels at right angles.

Note: Stream crossings, particularly those where streams drain more than one square mile, may be subject to regulations. See Streams and Other Waters BMP No. 1 and Appendix A (Construction in Floodplains) for further information. Further information may also be obtained by contacting the Kentucky Division of Water (502-564-3410) or a field office of the Kentucky Division of Forestry (see Appendix F). Ephemeral channel crossings do not require permits.


Use: For crossing perennial and intermittent streams as well as ephemeral channels.
Specifications: Bridges can be made from a variety of materials. Some commercially built portable bridges are available. Figure 1-8 provides specifications which have been used successfully on the Daniel Boone National Forest. The integrity and the safety of the bridge approach are critical as well as the ability to maintain traction when the surface is wet or frozen.
Maintenance: Check approaches and structure for wear. Armor or rip-rap loose fill along stream banks where appropriate.


Use: For crossing ephemeral channels and some intermittent and perennial streams.
Specifications: Culvert inlets should be placed level with the drainage and as near as possible to the natural channel. In some instances, where the culvert level has to be lower than the drainage gradient, a drop box can be constructed. Figure 1-9 shows components for an ephemeral channel crossing. Adequate cover over the culvert is needed, the rule being a minimum of one foot or half the culvert diameter, whichever is greater. If adequate cover cannot be achieved, then an arch pipe, “squashed pipe,” or two smaller culverts should be installed. Table 1-2 provides information on culvert sizing.
Maintenance: Check for erosion of bank near inlet and erosion of fill. Inspect for obstructions or objects directly up the channel that could be washed into the culvert. Rip-rap or armor fill surrounding the culvert opening as needed.

Table 1-2--Recommended Pipe Diameters for Streams and Ephemeral Channels
Area above Pipe (acres) Recommended Pipe Diameter (inches)
2 12
4 15
7 18
12 21
16 24
27 30
47 36
64 42
90 48
120 54
160 60
205 66
250 72
350 78

Hollow Logs

Use: Hollow logs can be used only for temporary crossing of ephemeral channels or small streams since they have a shorter life span than man-made culverts.
Specifications: Maintenance: Same as culverts. Hollow log crossings should be removed after use.


Use: General use for stream crossings where bottom material is firm.
Specifications: For permanent-use roads, fords should be graveled on each side where significant soil disturbance may occur. The road should have a reverse grade structure or other water diversion to prevent water from running down the road into the stream during high flows. Fill areas and disturbed banks in the vicinity of stream crossings should be stabilized promptly.
Maintenance: Maintain proper stabilization of banks. Ensure that up-slope road drainage structures are adequately maintained to avoid surface drainage into stream.

Low Water Crossings

Use: General stream crossings.
Specifications: The Division of Water (502-564-3410) has developed a standard design that is typically acceptable for issuance of a floodplain permit. This design is available on request. See Streams and Other Waters BMP No. 1 and Appendix A.
Maintenance: Maintain proper stability of banks. Ensure that up-slope road drainage structures are adequately maintained to avoid surface drainage into stream. Regularly inspect structural aspects of crossings, especially after high water.

Minimum Requirement:

Do not operate skidders or other logging equipment off hard-surfaced roads under conditions that may cause the development of excessive rutting.

Excessive rutting is defined as a point where ruts cannot be resurfaced with available equipment.

Landing or Log Deck Location

Minimum Requirement:

Locate yards and landings outside of SMZs. Yards and landings should have adequate drainage.

Note: See BMP No. 3 Streamside Management Zones for further information.

Soil and Logging Slash

Minimum Requirements:

Note: See BMP No. 5 for further information on disturbed soil, logging slash, and trash.

Controlling Erosion and Runoff from Active Skid Trails

The following guidelines will aid in proper skid trail construction.

Minimum Requirements:

Skidding in Streams

Minimum Requirement:

Stream beds should not be used as roads or for the skidding of logs except where the geology or other physical conditions of the site (rock walls, notches, or other limiting factors) leave no other alternatives for access, or where skid trail placement in normally recommended locations is either impossible or will cause a higher degree of water quality degradation. If an exception due to physical site conditions is necessary, stream channels may be used as roads or for skidding only for the minimum distance required.


Access Roads and Landings

Access roads or landings should be retired if further use is not planned.

Skid Trails

On completion of the skidding operation or a seasonal shut-down, trails should be retired.

Table 1-3--Recommended Distances1 between Water Bars for Retirement of Skid Trails
Skid Trail Percent Spacing (slope distance in feet)
1 400
2 245
5 125
10 78
15 58
20 47
25 40
30 35
35 32
40 29
1 Actual distance between water bars will depend upon the nature of the road surface material, its tendency to erode, and hydrologically active areas, such as seeps.

The skidder bar has been designed as an an alternative structure. Figure 1-11 shows the sequence of pushes used to create the skidder bar as well as the design specifications. This structure is developed from a series of 1- to 2-foot tall piles. These piles are developed by the skidder scraping surface soil. Do not attempt to dig the dip below the hard packed surface of the trail. Overlapping the piles is critical to prevent leakage. The final push clears the berm to allow drainage.

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