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PR-410: 1998 Fruit and Vegetable Crops Research Report

Tree Fruits

IntroductionTree FruitsSmall FruitsVegetablesDiagnostic LaboratoryAppendix A

Rootstock and Interstem Effects on Pome and Stone Fruit Trees

Gerald R. Brown and Dwight Wolfe, Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture


Although apples are the principal tree fruit grown in Kentucky, the hot, humid summers and heavy clay soils make apple production a more difficult task for growers in this state than in many major apple-producing regions where soil and climate are more favorable. Poor tree survival, due to Kentucky’s heavy clay soils, has also limited plum production. Peach production is also erratic as a consequence of the extreme temperature fluctuations that occur in the winter and spring. In spite of these challenges, productive orchards are one of the highest income-per-acre enterprises suitable for Kentucky’s upland rolling soil, and they also have a low potential for soil erosion. Kentucky still imports more apples than it produces; however, the strong market for peaches continues to encourage peach production. Continued identification of improved rootstocks and cultivars is required for growth of the Kentucky fruit industry. For these reasons, Kentucky continues to be a cooperator along with 39 other states and 3 provinces of Canada in the Cooperative Regional NC-140 Project: Rootstocks and Interstem Effects on Pome and Stone Fruit.

Materials and Methods

Scions of known cultivars on various rootstocks were produced by commercial nurseries and distributed to cooperators for each planting. The University of Kentucky Research and Education Center at Princeton (REC) has five NC-140 rootstock plantings:

  1. 1990 apple cultivar/rootstock planting consisting of 5 cultivars on 6 different rootstocks and replicated 6 times per rootstock. Trees are spaced 8 ft apart within rows 16 ft apart.
  2. 1993 apple rootstock planting consisting of ‘Liberty’ on 6 rootstocks and 8 replications per rootstock. Trees are spaced 16 ft apart within rows 23 ft apart.
  3. 1994 apple rootstock planting consisting of ‘Red Gala’ on 6 rootstocks and 10 replications per rootstock. Trees are spaced 13 ft apart within rows 18 ft apart.
  4. 1990 plum rootstock planting consisting of ‘Stanley’ plum on 10 different rootstocks and 7 replications per rootstock. Trees are spaced 16 ft apart within rows 20 ft apart.
  5. 1994 peach rootstock planting consisting of ‘Redhaven’ peach on 12 different rootstocks, and 8 replications per rootstock. Trees are spaced 16 ft apart within rows 20 ft apart.

Except for the 1990 apple cultivar/rootstock planting, trees of each rootstock were randomly allocated to blocks (rows) in a randomized block design (i.e., each rootstock appears once and at random within each block). In the 1990 apple cultivar/rootstock planting, trees of each cultivar/rootstock combination were allocated to the blocks in a split-plot design (i.e, groups of 6 trees [each on a different rootstock] of each cultivar were randomly allocated to each block). Soil management is a 6.5 ft herbicide strip with mowed sod alleyways. Trees are fertilized and sprayed according to local recommendations (1,2). Yield, trunk circumference, and maturity indices such as soluble solids are measured annually for each planting.

Results and Discussion

The winter of 1998 in Kentucky was mild, but late spring frosts reduced some of our apple and plum crop. This was followed by an extremely wet spring and a very dry late summer and fall. Fruit generally had excellent quality, as there was no extreme pest pressure.

1990 apple cultivar/rootstock planting

The 1990 Apple Cultivar/Rootstock Planting continues the evaluation of some of the promising rootstocks identified from previous trials at UK, REC, while also evaluating cultivars/rootstock interactions. This planting is also our first trial to be trained to the Dutch slender spindle system and supported by electrical conduit fastened to a wire trellis. This is one of a number of orchard systems that have been developed in Europe in order to reduce labor requirements and to enhance early production. Eastern and midwestern growers are rapidly adopting this production technique, and it is appropriate that UK should provide our growers with information on this system’s performance. The chief advantage of this system is early production with reduced labor inputs. Early production allows growers to quickly establish orchards with newer, more profitable cultivars.

One hundred sixty-one trees of a possible 180 are in our test because three cultivar-rootstock combinations (Golden Delicious/EMLA M.9, Jonagold/Bud.9, and Liberty/Ott.3) and one tree of Liberty/Bud.9 were not available for this planting. A trellis system was constructed in 1992. Based on foliar analysis and visual observation of vegetative growth, no nitrogen was applied in 1993-98. Vegetative growth is now in the high normal range. With this controlled vigor, the surviving trees are developing nicely. All pest-control decisions are based on IPM procedures, the same as used by our more progressive growers. Fire blight was very light in 1998. Nevertheless, 79 of the 161 planted trees (49.1%) have not survived, and significant differences in mortality by rootstock and cultivar were observed (Tables 1 and 2).

Both rootstock and cultivar significantly influenced dropped fruit, average fruit weight, cumulative yield and one of the fruit maturity indices, fruit pressure, (Tables 1 & 2). Percent soluble solids, the other maturity indicator that was measured, was significantly affected by cultivar (Table 1), but not by rootstock. 1998 yield, picked fruit, and trunk circumference varied significantly by rootstock, but not by cultivar (Table 2). Significant cultivar-by-rootstock interactions were only observed for dropped fruit and average fruit weight (Table 3).

1993 CG-Liberty apple rootstock planting

This planting is located on a farm of a commercial apple producer in Somerset, which is about 200 miles east of the REC at Princeton. The planting provides us with a comparison of rootstock performance between western and south central Kentucky. To date, differences in mortality have not been statistically significant. Three out of eight trees on CG.202 and CG.210 have died. Four trees on CG.30, CG.222, and CG.13 and 2 on M.7 have also died. Statistical differences in the analysis of variance were not observed for trunk circumference, theoretical cumulative and 1998 yield, or number of rootsuckers (Table 4). The deer pressure contributes to the poor survival rate.

1994 apple semi-dwarf rootstock planting

The 1994 semi-dwarf apple rootstock planting is the first trial at this station to be trained to the French vertical axe system. It also includes a number of new stocks, along with some that have performed well in previous plantings at UK, REC. This planting was established as planned, except for the substitution of B.9 for P.1. Trickle irrigation and a trellis system similar to the one in the 1990 apple planting were constructed in 1995. The mortality of trees on M.26 (10% survival) differed significantly from trees on the other 5 rootstocks (100% survival for trees on CG.11 and 90% for the others). There were no differences in the maturity indices (% soluble solids or pressures) or in the weight of dropped fruit, but trunk circumference, the number of rootsuckers, cumulative yield, 1998 yield, and picked fruit varied significantly by rootstock (Table 5). Trees on CG.13 have made the most growth. Crop load was adjusted so as to not exceed 10 fruits per cm2 of trunk cross-sectional area as per NC-140 protocol.

1990 Stanley plum rootstock planting

Poorly drained clay soils typically found in Kentucky have limited plum production. Rootstocks recently developed in France on soils similar to ours offer the potential for expanding the fruit industry in Kentucky to include this crop. To date, three trees on Julian A, five on Citation rootstock, and two on Myrobolan seedling have died, probably as a result of winter injury. All others (86%) are alive. Statistical differences in the analysis of variance were observed for cumulative yield, 1998 yield, number of root suckers, and trunk circumference, but not for fruit size (Table 6).

1994 peach rootstock planting

Peaches are one of the most popular fruits in Kentucky. The strong market for this crop continues to entice growers to plant trees in spite of the fact that one can expect erratic production due to the extreme temperature fluctuations that occur in the winter and spring in this state. A rootstock that is more suitable to Kentucky’s climate than ones traditionally used would be of great value to the fruit industry in the state. A rootstock that could significantly delay bloom would change the future of the Kentucky peach industry. To date, 75 of the 94 trees planted are alive (80% survival). Statistical differences in the analysis of variance were observed for bloom date, cumulative yield, 1998 yield, and average fruit weight (Table 7), but not for the number of rootsuckers, trunk circumference, or fruit pressure and soluble solids.

The NC-140 plantings are of utmost importance to Kentucky for gaining access to and testing new rootstocks from around the world. The detailed and objective evaluation of these rootstocks will provide growers with the information needed to select the most appropriate rootstocks for their needs when they become commercially available in the future. The 1990 Apple Cultivar/Rootstock Planting and the 1994 Apple Rootstock Planting will provide us with needed information on the adaptability of the slender spindle and vertical axe systems to trees grown on our fertile soils. The 1993 CG-Liberty Apple Planting is an off-station cooperative effort between the University of Kentucky and a commercial grower and provides us with a way to compare rootstock performance between western and south-central Kentucky. The 1990 Plum Planting should provide us with needed information to determine if there are suitable rootstocks for growing plums in western Kentucky’s wet clay soils. The 1994 Peach Planting should provide us with needed information to determine if tree survival, winter hardiness, and cropping frequency can be improved by using any of the recently developed rootstocks.

The NC-140 rootstock plantings are regularly used as demonstration plots for visiting fruit growers, extension personnel, and research scientists. The research data collected in these trials will help to establish base-line production and economic records for the various rootstock combinations which can be later utilized by orchardists in Kentucky.

Literature Cited

  1. G.R. Brown, R.T. Jones, J.G. Strang, L.A. Lester, J.R. Hartman, D.E. Hershman, R.T. Bessin. 1998 Commercial Tree Fruit Spray Guide. University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service, publication ID-98.
  2. Midwest Tree Fruit Handbook, University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service, publication ID-93.

Table 1. 1998 Cultivar Results -- NC-140 1990 Apple Cultivar/rootstock Planting1
Cultivar2Cumulative Yield per Live Tree (lb)Picks (lb/tree)Drops (lb/tree)1998 Yield (lb/tree)Average Fruit Wt (oz)Mean Pressure of Blush & Offsides (lbs)Percent Soluble SolidsNumber of SuckersTrunk Circum. (in)Percent of Trees Alive
Golden Delicious321.930.919.850.75.617.014.80.511.340.0
LSD (.05)79.415.46.619.
1University of Kentucky, Research and Education Center, Princeton, KY.
2Arranged by cumulative yield in descending order.

Table 2. 1998 Rootstock Results -- NC-140 1990 Apple Cultivar/Rootstock Planting.1
Rootstocks2Cumulative Yield per Live Tree (lb)Drops (lb/tree)Picks (lb/tree)1998 Yield (lb/tree)Average Fruit Wt. (oz)Mean Pressure of Blush & Offsides (lbs)Percent Soluble SolidsTrunk Circumference (inches)Percent of Trees alive
M.26 EMLA390.213.228.741.96.819.712.614.856.7
M.9 EMLA352.74.430.935.35.322.412.413.041.7
Ottawa 3330.715.4
LSD (.05)79.44.411.
1University of Kentucky, Research and Education Center, Princeton, KY.
2Arranged by cumulative yield in descending order.

Table 3. 1998 Results -- NC-140 1990 Apple Cultivar/Rootstock Planting.1
Cultivar/Rootstock Combination2Dropped Fruit per Live Tree (lb)Average Fruit Wt. (oz)
Golden Delicious/Ottawa 335.35.4
Golden Delicious/M.2622.07.2
Golden Delicious/Bud.922.05.1
Jonagold/Ottawa 313.25.8
Empire/Ottawa 32.24.2
Golden Delicious/MARK8.85.1
LSD (0.5)11.01.3
1University of Kentucky, Research & Education Center, Princeton, KY.
2Arranged by cumulative yield in descending order.

Table 4. 1998 Results 1993 -- NC-140 CG-Liberty Apple Rootstock Planting.1
Rootstock2Theoretical Cumulative Yields3 (lb/tree)1998 Yield (lb/tree)1998 Trunk Circumference (inches)Number of root suckers4
LSD (.05)
1University of Kentucky, Research & Education Center, Princeton, KY.
2Arranged by theoretical cumulative yield in descending order.
3Theoretical cumulative yield was calculated by summing the theoretical yield for 1996 and 1997, and the 1998 yield. Theoretical yield for 1996 and 1997 was calculated by multiplying the number of fruit on each live tree in this planting by the average weight per fruit from `Liberty' trees in the 1990 apple planting (125 grams and 121 grams for 1996 and 1997, respectively). For 1997, yield to the nearest 0.25 bushels was converted to kg by using a conversion factor of 19 kg (42 lbs)/bushel.
4Suckers are a disadvantage because they serve as a source of infestation and must be removed.

Table 5. 1998 Results -- NC-140 1994 Apple Semi-dwarf Rootstock Planting.1
Rootstock2Cumulative Yield per Live Tree (lb)1998 Yield3 (lb/tree)Fruit Size (oz/fruit)Truck Cirumference 10/98 (inches)Number of Rootsuckers
M.26 EMLA138.948.54.87.00
CG.1322.0 4.45.412.215
LSD (.05)37.515.4.71.213
1University of Kentucky, Research & Education Center, Princeton, KY.
2Arranged by cumulative yield in descending order. There is usually a direct correlation with trunk circumference and yield.
3Yield is the sum of picked and dropped fruit. Dropped fruit averaged less than 0.2 kg/tree for all rootstocks (LSD = 0.3).

Table 6. 1998 Results -- NC-140 1990 Plum Planting.1
Rootstock2Cumulative Yield per Live Tree (lb)1998 Yield3 (lb/tree)Average Wt/fruit (oz)Number of Root-suckersTrunk Circumference (inches)
Lovell Sdlg.198.411.02.0116.0
St. Julian A
Myrobolan Sdlg.
GF 31178.64.42.3715.6
EMLA Pixie176.44.42.02216.3
Marianna 4001174.22.22.21417.7
Marianna GF-8-1165.302.35918.3
Myrobolan 29 C154.32.22.52718.0
LSD (0.05)
1University of Kentucky, Research and Education Center, Princeton, KY.
2Arranged by cumulative yield in descending order.
3Sum of both picked and drop fruit, but dropped fruit averaged less than 1 kg per tree. Yield was substantially reduced by late spring frosts.

Table 7. 1998 Results -- 1994 NC-140 Peach Rootstock Planting.1
Rootstock2Cumulative Yield per Live Tree (lb)1998 Yield (lb/tree)Trunk Circumference (inches) SpringAverage Fruit wt. (oz/fruit)90% Julian Bloom Date
Stark's Redleaf165.3123.513.52.489.3
BY 520-8149.9123.513.62.888.8
BY 520-9147.7108.
Ta Tao 5145.579.412.04.689.2
GF 305134.5108.012.02.490.6
Tenn Natural134.592.612.23.290.3
LSD (.05)2035.
1University of Kentucky, Research & Education Center, Princeton, KY.
2Arranged by cumulative yield (kg/tree) in descending order.

Optimal Training of Apple Trees for High-density Plantings

Gerald R. Brown and Dwight Wolfe, Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture


Early production and optimal fruit size on vigorous sites are obtained when photosynthates are balanced properly between flower bud initiation and vegetative growth. Kentucky growers often have a problem with excessive vegetative growth or vigor, which greatly reduces the production that can be achieved from high-density apple plantings. Pruning and training are possibly the most important techniques used by fruit growers to maintain the proper balance between flower bud initiation and vegetative growth. Identification of effective pruning and training techniques for vigorous sites is required for continued expansion of apple production in Kentucky. The University of Kentucky College of Agriculture and the Kentucky State Horticultural Society have each made a long-term commitment to help meet this need. For this reason, research was initiated to determine the training and pruning practices needed to obtain early production and optimal fruit size from trees trained to either the slender spindle or the French axe system on vigorous sites.

Materials and Methods

One hundred eighty trees of Golden Delicious on M.9 rootstock were set out in May 1997 in a randomized complete-block design with eight treatment combinations (5 rows, 32 trees/row) and trained according to the treatment protocol outlined in Table 1. Tree spacing is 8 ft apart within rows 16.4 ft apart. Trunk circumference averaged 2 ft at planting and did not vary significantly among rootstocks. A trellis was constructed, and trickle irrigation was installed. Soil management is a 6.5 ft herbicide strip with mowed sod alleyways. Trees are fertilized and sprayed according to local recommendations (1,2). Yield (beginning with 1998 yield), trunk circumference, and maturity indices, such as soluble solids and flesh pressure, are measured annually.

Results and Discussion

Trunk circumference and average fruit weight did not vary significantly in the analysis of variance, but yield was significantly affected by pruning level (Table 2). Since this season’s fruit was left on the tree for purely training purposes, yield differences were probably more of a consequence of tree training procedures than of tree physiology. All trees are currently alive. During 1998, more than half the total time spent training the trees was spent during the first five weeks (Fig.1). In fact, there was more than a 50% reduction in time needed to train each tree from the third through fifth week than was needed during the first two weeks. About 60 seconds per week was needed to train each tree during the first five weeks, but only 40 seconds per week was needed in the 6th through the 12th week.

This planting, along with other plantings, is regularly used as a demonstration plot for visiting apple growers, Extension personnel, and research scientists. The research data collected in these trials will help to establish base-line production methods and economic bases for the various orchard system/rootstock combinations which can be later utilized by orchardists in Kentucky.

Literature Cited

  1. G.R. Brown, R.T. Jones, J.G. Strang, L.A. Lester, J.R. Hartman, D.E. Hershman, R.T. Bessin. 1998 Commercial Tree Fruit Spray Guide. University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service, publication ID-98.
  2. Midwest Tree Fruit Handbook. University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service, publication ID-93.

Table 1. UKREC 1997 Apple Training Study -- Pruning/Training Treatments.
SystemPruning Interval Level in WksHeaded at PlantingAngle1Limbs2Leader3Color Code
French AxeLight1No45NoDBlack/blue
French AxeModerate212-16 in.45-60YesC&DBlack/yellow
French AxeModerate112-16 in.45-60YesDBlack/green
French AxeHeavy18-12 in.60-90YesDBlack/red
Slender SpindleLight1No45NoAWhite/blue
Slender SpindleModerate214-20 in.45-60YesBWhite/yellow
Slender SpindleModerate114-20 in.45-60YesBWhite/green
Slender SpindleHeavy110-14 in.60-80YesCWhite/red
1Angle limbs are to be positioned.
2French Axe -- completely remove overly vigorous branches with narrow angles when 3 to 6 inches long. Slender Spindle -- completely remove branches that compete with leader.
3Leader management for 1999:
A = weak leader renewal and new leader headed at 12 inches.
B = bend leader at 60 angle, alternating direction with every 18" of new growth.
C = leader bagged 1 month prior to bud break and bag removed at appropriate time.
D = leader bent to horizontal, alternating direction after buds break on top side.

Table 2. 1998 Training Results -- KSHS-1998 Apple Training Planting.1
Pruning Level2 -- Interval in WksTrunk Circumference (inches)Yield Per Tree (lb)Average Fruit Wt (oz)Minutes Per 10 Trees
Light - 14.01.310.7122102
Moderate -
Moderate -
Heavy -
LSD (0.05).30.93.7NANA
1University of Kentucky, Research and Education Center, Princeton, KY.
2As described in Table 1.
3For 14 weeks.
4For 12 weeks.

Figure 1. Time Required in 1998 to Train Trees According to 4 Protocols.

Evaluation of Multi-layer Fruit Bags for Cork Spot, Sooty Blotch, and Flyspeck Control, 1997

Chris Smigell and John Hartman, Department of Plant Pathology


Apples in Kentucky are subject to many important diseases. Among the most difficult diseases to manage in the summer are sooty blotch and flyspeck, because it is not known what time of the summer these diseases begin their fruit infections. A physiological disease, cork spot, also arises in the summer and requires management in the orchard. Sooty blotch is caused by a complex of several fungi formerly attributed to Gloedes pomigena, flyspeck is caused by the fungus Zygophiala jamaicensis, and cork spot is caused by calcium and/or boron deficiencies.

We knew from previous experiments (1-10) that little or no sooty blotch and flyspeck (SB and FS) developed on apples exposed to approximately 175 or fewer accumulated leaf wetness hours (LWH) after first cover and that disease levels increase with LWH greater than 175. The purpose of this experiment was to determine when these diseases occur by protecting susceptible fruits with multi-layer fruit bags at various times.

Materials and Methods

The experiment was conducted in a row of a block of 10-yr-old apple trees (Malus x domestica ‘York’) at Browning Orchard near Flemingsburg, Kentucky. The row was approximately 150 ft east of an adjacent woods. Early season disease management was done by the grower using an air-blast sprayer. All trees were sprayed at labeled rates with Manzate 200 80W (12 oz/100 gal) at pink and on May 21, which fell between petal fall and first cover.

Each experimental treatment consisted of applying multi-layer fruit bags (Kobayashi Bag Mfg. Co., Ltd. of Japan, available from Applecorps, 700 13th St. N.E., East Wenatchee, WA 98802-4523, USA) to 15 fruits (replications), divided among six trees (2-3 fruits/tree). All treatments were applied among the same six trees. Bags were applied according to manufacturer’s instructions and were randomly distributed between the tops and bottoms of trees.

For each treatment, fruits remained covered for a different period of the growing season (Table 1). The first treatments were made June 10, when fruits were about 1 inch in diameter. Succeeding bag application treatments were begun every two weeks thereafter. Fruits with bags removed prior to harvest were identified by tying surveyor tape around the fruit spurs; each treatment was assigned one tape color. Leaf wetness was detected and recorded electronically using an Envirocaster (Neogen, Lansing MI) weather monitor, starting at first cover (May 24).

All fruits in the experiment were harvested on October 8 and placed in cold storage with bagged fruits kept in their bags. Fruits were evaluated for SB and FS and cork spot on October 14. SB & FS severity was assessed by estimating the percentage of total fruit surface covered with the causal fungi. Cork spot severity was assessed by counting any sunken, dark spots on the fruit surfaces resembling typical cork spots. Representative spots were dissected to confirm the symptoms of this disorder. Treatments were evaluated for SB and FS and cork spot control by averaging the respective disease severities for all fruits in each treatment, followed by statistical analysis.

Results and Discussion

SB and FS symptoms were first noticed on July 7, when approximately 222 LWH had accumulated. June and August had more than average rain; July and September were dry. There was no obvious predominance of either SB or FS in any treatment. Compared with previous tests (2-10), disease pressure appeared to be light based on the low SB and FS severity on the control fruits. SB and FS was significantly reduced when fruits were bagged for three months or longer. Based on 4- to 5-week bag coverage, the most critical times to cover fruit to reduce SB and FS were July and August. In 1996, only treatments in which fruits were covered for all, or the last half of, July produced disease severity levels of 5% or less (3). Maximum cork spot reductions occurred when fruits were covered during August.

There was a significant positive correlation (r = 0.85) between SB and FS severity and total LWH to which fruit were exposed between first cover and September 10. The mean SB and FS severity for fruit covered from July 22 to October 8 was significantly greater than for fruit covered from July 7 to October 8, even though only seven hours of rain were recorded between July 7 and July 22. This observation suggests that another critical factor besides wetness contributed to SB and FS development in mid-July or that bags prevented SB and FS inocula from reaching the fruit in mid-July.

Literature Cited

  1. Smigell, C.G. and J.R. Hartman. 1998. Evaluation of multi-layer fruit bags for cork spot, sooty blotch, and flyspeck control, 1997. Biological and Cultural Tests 13:39.
  2. Smigell, C.G. and J.R. Hartman. 1998. Evaluation of fungicide timing for sooty blotch, and flyspeck control, 1997. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 53:31.
  3. Smigell, C.G. and J.R. Hartman. 1997. Evaluation of multi-layer fruit bags for cork spot control, 1996. Biological and Cultural Tests 12:41.
  4. Smigell, C.G. and J.R. Hartman. 1997. Evaluation of fungicide timing for sooty blotch and flyspeck control, 1996. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 52:31.
  5. Smigell, C.G. and J.R. Hartman. 1997. Evaluation of multi-layer fruit bags for sooty blotch and flyspeck control, Caldwell County, 1996. Biological and Cultural Tests 12:44.
  6. Smigell, C.G. and J.R. Hartman. 1997. Evaluation of multi-layer fruit bags for sooty blotch and flyspeck control, Woodford County, 1996. Biological and Cultural Tests 12:45.
  7. Hartman, John R. 1996. Evaluation of multi-layer fruit bags for sooty blotch and flyspeck control, 1995. Biological and Cultural Tests 11:38.
  8. Hartman, John R. 1996. Evaluation of fungicide timing for sooty blotch and flyspeck control, 1995. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 51:6.
  9. Hartman, J.R., D. Perkins, and G. Brown. 1995. Evaluation of leaf wetness-based fungicide timing for sooty blotch and flyspeck control, 1994. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 50:10.
  10. Hartman, John R. 1995. Evaluation of fungicide timing for sooty blotch and flyspeck control, 1994. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 10:11.

Table 1. Effect of time of coverage by fruit bags on disease severity.
Period of fruit coverageNumber of days fruits in bagsNumber of hours of wetness between May 24 and September 10 while fruit were not coveredSooty blotch and fly speck severity 1Cork spot severity 2
Variable duration of coverage with fruit bags
control - no bag03411.39 cd31.54 c
June 10 - July 22422101.00 bc0.78 ab
June 10 - August 6571950.77 b0.54 ab
June 10 - August 24751290.36 a0.64 ab
June 10 - September 1092970.18 a0.36 ab
June 10 - September 22104970.25 a0.25 a
June 10 - October 8120970.00 a0.15 a
June 24 - October 81061700.13 a0.00 a
July 7 - October 8932220.20 a0.00 a
July 22 - October 8782290.89 b0.11 a
August 6 - October 8632441.00 bc0.63 ab
August 24 - October 8453091.38 cd0.25 a
Four to five weeks duration of coverage with fruit bags
June 10 - July 74272171.11 bc0.78 ab
July 7 - August 6303190.86 b1.14 bc
July 22 - August 24332610.86 b0.29 a
August 6 - September 10352440.88 b0.25 a
August 24 - September 22293091.00 bc0.75 ab
September 10 - October 8283411.65 d0.77 ab
1 Rating: 0 = no SB or FS; 1 = trace - 5%; 2 = 6 - 25% of fruit surface affected with SB & FS.
2 Rating: 0 = no cork spot; 1 = 1-2 cork spots.
3 Means in a column followed by the same letter are not significantly different (DMRT, P=0.05).
4 There was no mid-June treatment.

Equal opportunity statement